We Are Together

We Are Together honours those we have lost to suicide in UK universities
and campaigns for positive change in mental health provision.

Phoebe Grime – Inquest

Storyteller: Hilary Grime Who you have lost: Phoebe Grime Their Age: 20 Association: Parent University: Newcastle University Course: Psychology Your Experience at the Inquest: It takes great courage to attend an Inquest. We were as prepared as we possibly could be but it was unbearable. There was so much we submitted to the Coroner beforehand […]

Phoebe Grime – What should have changed

Storyteller: Hilary Grime Who you have lost: Phoebe Grime Their Age: 20 Association: Parent University: Newcastle University Course: Psychology Share what should have changed: Where to start!Newcastle University (NU) state in the MH Charter they ‘always act to ensure their safety and wellbeing is a priority’ – this is not a legal duty of care […]

Phoebe Grime’s Story

Storyteller: Hilary Grime, Who you have lost: Phoebe Grime, Their age: 20, Association: Parent, Course: Psychology, University: Newcastle University, Story: Phoebe was a fun loving, intelligent, funny, courageous and beautiful girl. Having struggled at the start of the first term at University, Phoebe found her passion for ice hockey and joined the Wildcats Hockey Club. […]

A Persons Story 2

Duis imperdiet quis nibh ut placerat. Donec vehicula eu leo consequat rutrum. Pellentesque sit amet luctus diam, in luctus eros. Nullam justo sapien, gravida et sem ut, scelerisque finibus nunc. Nulla venenatis ultricies lectus tincidunt feugiat. Etiam volutpat quam eu facilisis tempus. Integer luctus ex nec nulla pharetra interdum. Nam finibus suscipit euismod. Duis volutpat […]